In Partnership with Fortune: The Experience Imperative

How does Customer Experience (CX) transformation actually play out in real business scenarios with real people trying to achieve an organization’s objectives?

In partnership with Fortune Knowledge Group, we interviewed Chief Customer Officers (CCO), CEOs and other CX executives across multiple industries to answer this very question. What emerged are stories of how leaders are addressing the challenges and capitalizing on the victories of CX efforts within their organizations. 

In particular, the report explores five key themes:

  • The Emerging Role of the Chief Customer Officer
  • Leadership and the New Metrics
  • The Rise of the Collaborative Team
  • The Power of Story
  • Creating The Future

With persistent effort, and a commitment to small, powerful steps, organizations of any size can begin to leverage deep customer insights to open new markets, spur revenue growth, create new and better products, and inspire employee loyalty.  And, of course, happier customers.  Over time, the customer experience mindset of measurement, collaboration, co-creation, and iteration should belong to every part of the organization. 

To view the full report, click the Download button above.